kick-off meeting January 2020

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The kick-off meeting of the HWITHIN research project took place in January 20 and 21, 2020 (note the lack of masks during the pre-pandemic era). The kick-off meeting launched the project officially. The main objectives of the meeting was to: (1) get the team to know each other; (2) define the calendar of the project (priorities, deliverables, milestones, etc.); (3) define the role and responsabilities of the partners in the different tasks; and (4) define short-term, medium-term and long-term future actions. The venue of the meeting was the project case study, the Archaeological Museum of Carmo. Therefore, another main goal of the meeting was to do a first visit to the building, do a joint inspection and select the areas that will be surveyed and modelled within the framework of the project.

The Association of Portuguese Archaeologists, wich are managers and responsible of the museum, received the HWITHIN team, granted access to the building and guided a tour through the building during these days.